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기본 정보

Storage SW 개발자
간단 소개

프로젝트와 고객에 대한 집중은 좋은 제품을 만들고 좋은 질문과 의미있는 토론은 좋은 팀을 만들 수 있다고 생각합니다.

기술 스택

기술 스택

Go, python3, REST API, Docker, swagger, container




직급 | 부서 | 근무 유형

Software Engineer | Solution선행개발팀 | 재직 중

근무 기간

2023.03. ~ 재직 중 (2년)

담당 업무

PBSSD Project (2023.03 ~)

Development of PBSSD using Storage Disaggregation. Developed a Product-Based Software-Defined Storage (PBSSD) system utilizing Storage Disaggregation technology. Concentrated on the development of the Orchestrator, emphasizing on resource allocation and management, task scheduling over IO operations.

Tech Stack: Programming Language: Golang, Python. Frameworks/Libraries: Docker SDK.

Secondary Role: DevOps.

CI/CD Pipeline Setup: Configured and maintained CI/CD pipelines for intra-network and extra-network using Github Actions.

Server Room & Development Environment Management: Managed the server room for the intra-network and supported the development environment, contributing to the improvement of team’s development productivity.

Tech Stack: Tools: QEMU, GitHub Actions.

PoseidonOS Project (2021.09 ~ 2023.02)

Key Project: PoseidonOS. Spearheaded the development of PoseidonOS, a next-generation storage solution employing Storage Disaggregation technology, transcending traditional JBOF architectures by introducing metadata management. Delivered virtualized block devices offering critical features such as capacity elasticity, performance throttling, and data protection (RAID), transparently provided to customers. Role focus: Focused on the development of metadata management and journaling mechanisms, establishing a robust foundation for data tracking and recovery, significantly enhancing the system's reliability and operational efficiency. Subsidiarily managed the server room operations ensuring optimal server performance and maintenance.

Tech Stack: Programming Language: C++, Python.

Frameworks/Libraries: Protocol Buffers (Protobuf). Tools: GDB, Git.

Technical Details: Journaling: Developed a robust journaling mechanism to ensure data integrity and facilitate recovery procedures. Metadata Management: Designed and implemented an efficient metadata management system to enhance data retrieval and management processes.

Github PoseidonOS: https://github.com/poseidonos/poseidonos.



Development of PBSSD using Storage Disaggregation



프로젝트 기간

2023.03. ~ 진행 중

프로젝트 내용

Development of PBSSD using Storage Disaggregation. Developed a Product-Based Software-Defined Storage (PBSSD) system utilizing Storage Disaggregation technology. Concentrated on the development of the Orchestrator, emphasizing on resource allocation and management, task scheduling over IO operations.

Tech Stack: Programming Language: Golang, Python. Frameworks/Libraries: Docker SDK.

Secondary Role: DevOps.

CI/CD Pipeline Setup: Configured and maintained CI/CD pipelines for intra-network and extra-network using Github Actions.

Server Room & Development Environment Management: Managed the server room for the intra-network and supported the development environment, contributing to the improvement of team’s development productivity.

Tech Stack: Tools: QEMU, GitHub Actions.





프로젝트 기간

2021.09. ~ 2023.02.

프로젝트 내용

Key Project: PoseidonOS. Spearheaded the development of PoseidonOS, a next-generation storage solution employing Storage Disaggregation technology, transcending traditional JBOF architectures by introducing metadata management. Delivered virtualized block devices offering critical features such as capacity elasticity, performance throttling, and data protection (RAID), transparently provided to customers. Role focus: Focused on the development of metadata management and journaling mechanisms, establishing a robust foundation for data tracking and recovery, significantly enhancing the system's reliability and operational efficiency. Subsidiarily managed the server room operations ensuring optimal server performance and maintenance.

Tech Stack: Programming Language: C++, Python.

Frameworks/Libraries: Protocol Buffers (Protobuf). Tools: GDB, Git.

Technical Details: Journaling: Developed a robust journaling mechanism to ensure data integrity and facilitate recovery procedures. Metadata Management: Designed and implemented an efficient metadata management system to enhance data retrieval and management processes.

Github PoseidonOS: https://github.com/poseidonos/poseidonos.


Talkmsg Web Cache Development Project


Kakao Corp

프로젝트 기간

2021.06. ~ 2021.08.

프로젝트 내용

웹 캐시 서비스 개발

Netty로 캐시 서비스를 구현해보고 성능 및 nGrinder등을 활용한 성능 향상치 측정

Techstack : JAVA, Netty, GCP




종류 | 전공

대학교(학사) | 소프트웨어학과

재학 기간 | 재학 상태

2014.03. ~ 2019.08. | 졸업



종류 | 전공

대학원(석사) | Real-Time Computing/SSD

재학 기간 | 재학 상태

2019.09. ~ 2021.08. | 졸업
