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손원장 (Daniel)님을 응원해보세요!

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기본 정보

손원장 (Daniel)
Backend Engineer
간단 소개

기술적인 집착보다는 비지니스의 문제를 해결하는데 집중하는 개발자입니다. 자바스크립트 기반 기술에 대한 깊은 이해를 가지고 있으며, 아키텍처 구축과 퍼포먼스 향상에 흥미가 많습니다. 견고한 솔루션을 설계, 개발, 최적화하는데 전문성을 키워나가고 있으며, 시스템을 이전하고 최신화하는 작업, 테스트 코드 구현, 팀 협업, 개발 문화 및 육성에 대한 경험도 있습니다. 다각적인 early-stage 스타트업에서 기여한 긍정적인 경험을 토대로 의미없는 규칙 보다 존중의 문화와 근거 있는 소통 그리고 성과 중심의 업무 프로세스를 선호합니다. (🇪🇸 현재 스페인에 거주 중입니다)

기술 스택

기술 스택

TypeScript, Node.js, NestJS, React, React Native, Next.js, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Docker, GitHub, github-actions, AWS, nginx, MSA




직급 | 부서 | 근무 유형

Backend Engineer | 개발팀 | 재직 중

근무 기간

2023.09. ~ 재직 중 (1년 6개월)

담당 업무

⛽️ Project: "Warehouse"

  • Managing Esim Delivery and Stock API server
  • Background Stock-filling tasks through scalable message broker (BullMQ with Redis)
  • Refactored legacy implementations simplifying with reusable components
  • Implemented async logging system saved to ElasticSearch with Slack alerts for errors


직급 | 부서 | 근무 유형

Backend Engineer | 개발팀

근무 기간

2021.06. ~ 2023.07. (2년 2개월)

담당 업무

🧪 Project: "Labnote"

  • Led the migration from serverless architecture (AWS SAM) to a scalable Ts+Node+Express REST API
  • Migrated DynamoDB to MongoDB using Mongoose, improving database performance and flexibility
  • Implemented TDD using Jest, resulting in more reliable codebases
  • Orchestrated CI/CD workflows with GitHub Actions, ensuring test, build, and deployment
  • Developed WebSocket functionality for real-time collaboration
  • Set up advanced logging, error handling, and activity tracking systems, promoting a data-driven approach

🐁 Project: "Orange"

  • Engineered REST API using Nest.js, enhancing scalability and maintainability
  • Implemented efficient file upload and download logic with progress UI, enhancing user experience
  • Integrated Elasticsearch (AWS) and MongoDB Atlas Search to enable powerful search capabilities
  • Architected an external Log-API server for user activity logging
  • Leveraged Sentry and CloudWatch Agent for robust error reporting and monitoring

🏗️ Infrastructure

  • Redesigned AWS Cloud architecture
  • Managed QA server, fostering efficient collaboration among squads during development cycles
  • Implemented a Redis caching layer
  • Optimized Jest tests by fine-tuning heap size and reducing execution time
  • Enhanced build times and reduced bundle sizes by configuring Webpack

👥 Culture & Collaboration

  • Git-flow
  • Git submodules
  • Participate as a technical interviewer in dev's interview
  • Created interview assessments (Front/Back end)


직급 | 부서 | 근무 유형

Fullstack Engineer | 개발팀

근무 기간

2020.09. ~ 2021.07. (11개월)

담당 업무

📈 Project: Stock manager (Admin Page)

  • Developed dynamic and responsive web applications using TypeScript, React, Redux.
  • Leveraged Next.js for SSR, enhancing SEO and initial loading performance.
  • Utilized React-Query to manage complex data fetching and synchronization needs.
  • Crafted reusable UI components with Styled-components for consistent and maintainable styling.
  • Collaborated with designers to transform wireframes into polished user interfaces.
  • Contributed to a design system using Storybook for efficient UI component development.
  • Participated in code reviews, providing feedback to ensure code quality and best practices.

🏥 Project: "Keymedi" (Medical Academic Webinar Portal)

  • Led the frontend development using React, MobX, and TypeScript.
  • Collaborated with Backend (PHP/Python) to integrate RESTful APIs data flow.
  • Implemented MobX for state management, improving data consistency and maintainability.
  • Collaborated in testing using Jest and React Testing Library to ensure quality.


직급 | 부서 | 근무 유형

Backend Engineer | 개발팀

근무 기간

2020.06. ~ 2020.12. (7개월)

담당 업무

🚚 Project: 'Prime' REST API (with GraphQL)

  • Worked with Typescript, Node.js, GraphQL, Prisma+Nexus, PostgreSQL - Data modeling and Schema generation with PostgreSQL
  • Implement query and mutation resolvers for GraphQL with Apollo Server - Implement user permission shield rules
  • Developed an API resource fetching Korean Business Registration Number status (사업자등록 상태) & retrieve relevant detailed information for many purposes.
  • Created @Nexus/schema 'argument validator' plugin (Open-source)

📢 Open-source contribution

@dooboo-ui (Expo, Typescript, React-Native, Jest)

  • Created customizable Select dropdown component
  • Created customizable Charts independent components such as LineChart, BarChart


  • Updated ProfileUpdate image upload request with useMutation - Updated singleUpload mutation & azure blob
  • Created mutation & useMutation instead of fetch
  • Added fetchGraphQL logic to handle uploadable
  • Fixed file uploading with Blob constructor


직급 | 부서 | 근무 유형

Frontend Engineer | 개발팀

근무 기간

2019.07. ~ 2020.06. (1년)

담당 업무

💅 Landing page renewal

Refactoring from HTML + CSS (Bootstrap) + Javascript page to React.js + Gatsby.js (with plugins)

📞 B2B order Dashboard

This page is managed by the company managers only. It sends requests to the Firestore db with the selected company and selected date/range as a parameter for retrieving the orders made by the customers.

  • Front: React, React-hooks, Ant-design.
  • Back: Firebase products (Authorization, Firestore, Hosting)

👩💼 Admin page (Back-office app)

The admin page has many management features like scheduling, customer, product, manufacturer, and closing. The users are managed with permission scenarios and can be restricted to what they can see or edit on each menu.

  • Front: React, React-hooks + MobX, Ant-design, moduled CSS.
  • Back: Node.js + Express (REST API), Sequelize ORM, MySQL. Deploy: AWS EC2 (Ubuntu), Nginx config with reverse proxy.


직급 | 부서 | 근무 유형

Frontend Web Developer | 개발팀

근무 기간

2018.10. ~ 2019.09. (1년)

담당 업무

Frontend Web projects

  • Bootstrap, Material-UI, Ant-design
  • Styled Component
  • Responsive web (Mobile-first)
  • React.js
  • Gatsby.js
  • Firebase








Medium Blog

URL 링크

Portfolio Web

URL 링크





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